BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in the maintenance management system > Viewing documents > Viewing linked assets

Viewing linked assets

You can view all of the objects (assets) that are linked to the current document on the Objects page.

To view linked objects:

  1. View the latest revision of a document as described in Viewing the latest revision of a document.
  2. Click the Objects tab. The Objects page appears and shows the objects that are linked to the document. The objects are listed in a layout similar to the list view of the Linked Documents page.
  3. To make a linked object current and to view its properties, click the hyperlink in the Name column.

You may then view the other documents that are linked to the selected object as described in Viewing the latest revision of a document.

Related concepts

Viewing documents

Related tasks

Switching between list view and thumbnail view

Viewing the latest revision of a document

Viewing properties of a document

Viewing revisions of a document

Viewing referenced documents

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